Florida Keys Flats Fishing B&B FISHING ADVENTURES is based in Marathon, Florida, which is strategically located in the middle Keys between Key Largo and Key West. The nearest airports with commercial service are Key West, about 1 hour's driving time, or Miami International approximately 2 ½ hours away. Marathon has numerous hotels and restaurants.
The shallow waters of the Florida Keys are considered by many to be the major leagues of light tackle saltwater angling. Saltwater fly-fishing was born on the Florida Keys flats. This is the ultimate sight fishing game. Imagine yourself standing at the ready in the bow of the boat as your guide poles from the stern. It is more like hunting than anything else. You will experience the unique challenge and excitement of stalking bonefish, permit, and tarpon as the boat is poled across the flats. Upon sighting the quarry, the boat is positioned and the cast is made.
moment of truth arises as you witness the reaction of the fish to your
presentation. Whether it be the lightning-fast first run of a bonefish,
the unforgettable sight of a permit tailing on your fly, or the incredible
bite and jumps of a battling tarpon, the invigorating moments of flats
fishing in the Florida Keys will inevitably beckon you to return. This
is big game hunting on the water.
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