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B&B Fishing Adventures
6512 SW 170th Street
Archer, FL 32618

Bus: Ph/Fax: 352-495-6711

Bus Email: Bus@BandBFishing.com


Kanektok River Float Trip

   Welcome to one of the great fishing adventures in Alaska… a wilderness float trip. Imagine being part of a small group floating down a wild river with unlimited fishing. There is no better way to experience the fishing in Alaska than on a wilderness float trip.

   All our float trips are on the Kanektok River. Located in southwestern Alaska, it flows within the boundaries of the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service regulates commercial float trips. The special use permit awarded to B&B Fishing Adventures allows us to offer float trips during the prime fishing dates.

  Our trip begins at Kagati Lake. The river then flows ninety miles through the Kilbuck Mountains and empties into the Bering Sea at the village of Quinhagak. These float trips are seven days and six nights on the river.


   The Kanektok River is one of Alaska's great fishing destinations. July offers the most variety of fishing with King, Chum and Sockeye salmon. The Pink salmon return on even numbered years. August and September is the prime time for Silver salmon fishing. Combine these salmon with leopard spotted rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, Arctic char/sea-run Dolly Varden and you have nine species of fish in one river.

  Now that you have taken care of the fish, it is our turn to take care of you. Sit back and enjoy the comfort of safari style camping and a menu that is the pride of the wilderness. After a good night's sleep on a comfortable cot, wake up to a hearty breakfast and another day of great fishing.


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