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Contact Information

B&B Fishing Adventures
6512 SW 170th Street
Archer, FL 32618

Bus: Ph/Fax: 352-495-6711

Bus Email: Bus@BandBFishing.com



    You should plan to overnight in Anchorage the day before the float trip. Book airline reservations to arrive into Dillingham, AK on the day the trip begins and your return flight back to Anchorage via Bethel, AK the evening the float trip ends.

Anchorage to Dillingham

  • Book flight to arrive in Dillingham on the morning the float trip begins.

  • Trips starting on Monday, Thursday or Saturday should be booked on Alaska Airlines flight #134. This flight is jet service, 3 days a week, into Dillingham and arrives around 12:00 pm.
  • Trips starting on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday or Sunday should be booked on Pen Air flight #4261 that arrives into Dillingham around 9:45 am. Pen Air is operated in conjunction with Alaska Airlines.

Bethel to Anchorage

  • Book return on Alaska Airlines flight #46 departing Bethel around 7:45 pm on the evening your trip ends .

Accommodations in Anchorage

  • Barrett Best Western, (907)-243-3131, Located near airport with free airport transportation, moderate price.

  • Hotel Captain Cook, (800) 843-1950 or (907)-276-6000. Located downtown, free airport transportation, premium price.


  • Simon & Seaforts Saloon & Grill, 420 L. Street, (907) 274-3502. A great restaurant with view overlooking Cook Inlet, reservations advised.

  • Tempura Kitchen, on Spenard Road, (907) 277-2741
    Sushi & Japanese food.

Travel Luggage

    To help prevent the chances of your luggage not arriving in Dillingham, be sure to arrive early at the Anchorage airport to check in for your flight. Bring only soft duffle style luggage for this trip. All travel items will be repacked in waterproof bags and accompany you on this trip. Please do not bring any hard sided suitcases, wheelie type bags, or bulky type tackle boxes, as space is limited in the rafts and aircraft. If your itinerary calls for having items that are not intended for the float trip, arrangements for storage can be made at most hotels in Anchorage.


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